Sunday, November 21, 2010


Food vendors outside the palace
The palace outside our hotel window


Back the Jennings from Pusan and us
Front Elder and Sister Choi & Pres. & Sister Lee from Seoul
This monk was just finishing reading his prayers

Shinto Temple at Nara

Members of the Area Presidency and staff from Tokyo I am standing next to Elder Stephenson, the Area President
part of the thousands of lanterns
Sister Jennings from Pusan. They will finish in July. She was realy fun to be with, and we plan on spending a day shopping in Seoul. Her son was the big Jeoperdy winner a few years ago.

Buddhist Temple

This covers a large wooden Buddha Most of these people are mission presidents, wives, and area presidency
Guards of the Buddha

Buddhist Temple Deer

The legend is that the emperor came riding into this area on a deer. They now keep herds of deer on the grounds. Elder Choi
They seel little waffers to feed the deer

Osaka, Japan

The palace by our hotel
This moat was to protect the palace. It is feed by four other rivers that flow in. We did a small river curise around this area Typical....Mom dressed as if it were mid winter.