Monday, May 9, 2011

give it another go

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Practice Video Enjoy

Cool Video

This is a video Sister Sherwood showed me as she tutors me in how to use the computer


Sunday, May 1, 2011

This is a chest I would like to bring home
Do you like it? She liked having her picture taken
Dinner at a members home
Typical Korean kitchen Notice she is standing on a step
to reach the sink. The table is used for space to serve on,
but I think the family eats their meals there as well
Lots of food is prepared on the floor while they squat to stir or mix


Our front yard Our back yard
Kids at church
Our trees

Back Yard

This is what are flowers look like now Me starting on yard work, but enjoying the flowers that I was working around
Not bad when you are cleaning out
around flower bushes