Sunday, March 6, 2011

A day with Sister Cook

This was the sweet refreshment table they had prepared at the
church whenwe returned from sight seeing. So thougthful. At the Korean folk village we learned that these were kept outside the door of the house to scare off goblins. They were to place something under the metal screen covering and the goblin would spend all night trying to pick its way into the bottom. The sun would come up and the goblin would have to leave thus protecting the children This is a picture of FIRE DOG He spit out fire in the morning (sun is up) and swallow fire at night (sun is down) The village had huts and houses made with these type of roofs.
On the left...A sister from Seoul who traveled with the Cooks to translate
Sister Jung...a sweet lady in the stake who translates for me and invited us to
spend CHristmas Eve with their ward. She is beautiful.
Sister Koo...Elder Chois wife who has been so sweet and thoughtful to us
Sister Cook...what a fun visit I had with her
Oh, the tall one on the end .... me

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