Friday, July 30, 2010


Sister Judd and Sister Choi asked Dad to baptize their investigator. They had met her on the bus. She is here doing graduate work. At first she would call them to make sure they did not forget to come. She understands English best, so dad did the baptism, confirmation and blessing in English.

The Perriton's had the mission so well prepared for us.
As I told you in my email, the Elders had gone outside and when Pres. Perrition handed Mark the phone it rang. They said they were Elder who had got on a wrong bus, was headed to Seoul, and didn't know where his companion was. My heart sank, but soon the Elders were through the door laughing. Our office missionaries. Elder Cho does everything with the language including helping me learn my testimony. Elder Lallitan (head turned away) is related to us through Grandma Furniss. Elder Duckworth left after 10 days. We missed him. Elder Anderson is incredible and continues to help Dad organize everything. He will leave in 3 weeks. Sister Pierce and her husband have helped me with every detail in the mission, taught me to drive and were stores are.
Meeting our missionaries.

Our neighborhood in Daejeon

This is just around the corner from the house. I am standing in the church parking lot.
I am standing in my driveway now. The mission home is located in a little below average neighborhood because there is no parking areas. About three blocks away the apartments go upscale a bit. Apartments nearby. These are older. The new apartments are usually 15 or more stories high.
Yes, I have learned to drive and these are the streets. It is like being on a mountain road, you must wait your turn to drive down the street. Korean people do not seem to have road rage. They know that the only way to make cars work on street not designed for them is to wait your turn.

Inside the House

Upstairs in the family area, our bedroom. I have not had the men come to hang pictures. The walls are made on concrete, so the have to drill holes. The floors are also of concrete. It is very quiet between levels.
This is the stair case going up and down. I love these windows The kitchen is great to cook in and any Korean would love to have all these appliances.
Our front room. The large windows have the front sidewalk on the other side.
Our front room. The door you see leads to the dining room and kitchen.

Our New Home---Daejeon

Looking out the deck from our bedroom, this is Daejeon
Our church sits right next door to the mission home.
The mission office sits on the street. You can see the black gate that leads into our driveway. This is the north side of our home.Most of the home is directly behind the mission office.You can see about one third of the home in this picture. The main floor is used for any mission event, and the top floor is design for family use. With just the two of us it is larger than we need.
View from the street in front of the church.