Friday, July 30, 2010

Our New Home---Daejeon

Looking out the deck from our bedroom, this is Daejeon
Our church sits right next door to the mission home.
The mission office sits on the street. You can see the black gate that leads into our driveway. This is the north side of our home.Most of the home is directly behind the mission office.You can see about one third of the home in this picture. The main floor is used for any mission event, and the top floor is design for family use. With just the two of us it is larger than we need.
View from the street in front of the church.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so wonderful! How fun to see where you live, your neighborhood and life as you two know it right now. Can't wait until we can see it in person! In the meantime, keep the updates coming! It's so great to hear from you in both emails and this blog.
